HP5 & Nikonos au "Laboratoire de flottabilité neutre" de la Nasa

Démarré par Col Hanzaplast, Janvier 24, 2019, 15:25:50

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Col Hanzaplast



Jean Breil

Le premier commentaire vaut à lui seul son pesant de cacahuètes:

"This, being a science-based proceedure requiring detail and accuaracy, should have been as it was-but there is no colour, so the "atmosphere is really only the grain interference pattern meeting the changes in lighting.

I'd be there with a digital camera with a nice wide zoom, like a 14-24mm f2.8 Nikkor, and afterward I'd get the white balance perfect, and you'd have more tone, more colour (!) more EVIDENCE, and a better sense of time and place. Earthrise was a COLOUR picture- hence its reality and thus its POWER. Truth IS Power.

Monochrome drains the life out of everything- Monochrome, now an anachronism has zero integrity as a medium (discuss). And I was a good collectable monochrome film photographer when newspapers- and hence photojournalists used monochrome. Seeing McCullin on TV using black and white in an Medium Format film camera, I almost wept at the pity of it- at Glynborough too"