Pour les juristes (Anglophone)

Démarré par Bru, Octobre 03, 2013, 12:41:21

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Qu'est ce qu'ils veulent dire par ça:

CitationOur records indicate that you are currently enrolled in the Wrz2gr Copyright Registration Program. Wrz2gr has offered this free service for a number of years as a courtesy to its contributors. As of December 1, 2013, Wrz2gr will no longer file for formal copyright protection in the U.S. Copyright Office for any of its contributors. Wrz2gr will continue to process previously filed pending copyright applications and will file applications for content published through November 30, 2013, for contributors enrolled in the program.

As of December 1, 2013, if you wish to obtain formal copyright protection in the U.S. Copyright Office, you will be responsible for filing copyright applications for your images. Copyright registration can provide you significant benefits should you intend to take legal action against a party who is infringing your copyrighted work. Therefore, we encourage you to file copyright applications for your images.   

The U.S. Copyright Office and many other photographer associations have a wealth of information for photographers wishing to ensure that their images are officially registered and simply seeking further information about their rights. Here is a short list of links to information regarding the copyright registration process and copyright issues in general. 

I think that even in French I would be lost with something like this.

Merci de m'éclairer si vous le pouvez.
Dyslexique ou Disslexyque ?


à partir du 1er Décembre ils arrêtent de demander la protection "copyright" à la place des adhérents.
les demandes encore en instance seront traités normalement.
le reste c'est du cellophane.
bon appétit.
veni, vidi, vomi