Les titres d'Olympus montent dans la bourse de Tokio

Démarré par Federico Alberto, Octobre 31, 2009, 04:04:07

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Federico Alberto

Voici les bonnes nouvelles...

Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Olympus Corp. shares surged the most in four months in Tokyo trading after the Nikkei newspaper reported the company will probably beat its profit forecast. Merrill Lynch & Co. raised its rating.

The shares rose 9.6 percent to 2,910 yen as of 10:13 a.m. on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the biggest gain since June 11. The stock had the second-biggest advance on the Nikkei 225 Stock Average, which rose as much as 1.4 percent.

Tokyo-based Olympus may beat its 19 billion yen ($208 million) operating profit forecast for the six months ended September by about 50 percent, the Nikkei newspaper reported today.

Ryohei Takahashi, an analyst at Merrill Lynch, raised his rating on the stock to "buy" from "underperform," and 12- month share price target to 3,500 yen from 1,100 yen.

To contact the reporter on this story: Gregory Turk in Tokyo at gturk2 [at] bloomberg.net

By Gregory Turk

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